1/2" Packmaster #6 Pump Packing price per 5 pound = 30'
1/2" Packmaster #6 Pump Packing price per 5 pound
TEMPERATURE: To +550°F(+288°C)
PH RANGE: 0 - 14*
SHAFT SPEED: To 3000 fpm (15 m/s)
PRESSURE: To 300 psi (20 Bar)
*Caution is recommended in applications
where strong oxidizers are in use.
This PACKMASTER® packing is produced using fine particles
of graphite entrapped within expanded PTFE and a silicone
break-in lubricant. It can be utilized through an extremely
wide range of applications including acids, alkalis, aromatic
and aliphatic solvents, alcohols, esters, petroleum and synthetic oils, steam, water and aqueous solutions, and air and
dry industrial gases. PACKMASTER® 6 features good thermal
conductivity, speed capability, chemical resistance, low coefficient of friction, and low coefficient of thermal expansion.
Excellent for use in pumps, mixers, and agitators
"Good people friendly service. Fast and helpful."
"Good knowledgeable staff. Easy to work with."